Title: standstill
Year: 2017
Medium (35 mm film, video, etc.): HD Video (Color/Sound)
Length: 40min 28sec
A still moving image or a moving still image which portrays an unspecified number of abandoned objects and an empty barren landscape. In a motionless world where natural phenomena no longer occur naturally, phenomena emerge momentarily through the physical movement of the camera. Images are distorted by the impacts on the camera, only to be brought back again to the same initial point. This process questions the causality hidden in a fraction of a second. While being a return to the reality we live in, it also gives the viewer the sense of being fundamentally detached from that same reality. In spite of the clear sense of fabrication that enwraps the whole film, the work is shot by a detached and penetrating gaze that feels somewhat inhuman, at times reminding the viewer of a spectacular Science Fiction movie, narrating an uncertain story in which the protagonist is not this or that object but the ground upon which all objects stand on. If what is at stake is not to see the world through the camera but the camera being a part of the world, the captured imagery is not merely a documentation of events. It is an image that is wider than the world that cannot be reduced to a particular view for humans; an image as an event per se.